I started Scripted Meaningful Mondays because I love words. It was a fun creative way for me to share beautiful, funny, encouraging words in a different way. But as of late, nothing has inspired me. I search for quotes and just feel blah. When I started Scripted Desire, I told myself I wouldn't force anything. If I didn't feel inspired or creative, I didn't want to push it. Because that's when work feels like...work. So, I've remained silent on Monday's. However, last week I came across this quote. As soon as I saw it gave me that feeling I had been missing for so long!
Lately, our country is just making me...sad, for lack of better terms. It feels like every time I get on Facebook there is a new argument stirring around and no one can peacefully agree to disagree. Everyone wants to point their fingers at someone else and push their own thoughts down someone's throat without respecting the opinions of others. I've just found myself feeling heavy with all the issues and hatred. When I saw this quote, it gave me a little glimpse of hope! I truly think America is the best country in the world. I truly think if we try hard enough, every single one of us can find five, heck TEN, things to be thankful for every single day. I truly think if we try hard enough, we can find SOMETHING in common with our most hated enemy. Sometimes kindness isn't easy. Sometimes gratitude isn't easy. Sometimes putting someone else's needs above your own isn't easy. Sometimes being a friend to someone who doesn't deserve it isn't easy. But I'm confident if we all tried a little harder, we could make this world, and our country, a better place. If you've been feeling kinda bummed about the state of our country, I hope this quote encourages you like it did me. Everything is gonna be juuuust fine as long as we work together.
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